2024 Christmas hours!

Merry Christmas everyone!

we will be here until 3 pm on Christmas eve (dec24)

then closed until January 6th

Happy new year see you in 2025!



New Forbidden V2 Colours

The new Druid V2 are awesome! Here is a sneak peek of the new colours coming soon!

Velocitycycles 20th Anniversary!

Its hard to believe it ! 20 years in a blink of an eye!

bikes have changed alot and the bike industry has had some ups and downs but we are still pedalling forward!

Thanks for your patronage all these years and we hope to see you again soon!

Happy Trails & Cheers!


July is coming up fast!

thanks everyone for a sweet spring !cant believe its summer already!

come and get your bikes tuned up for there next adventures

but a reminder we will be open Friday June 30!

but we will be closed Saturday July 1st , Sunday July 2nd & Monday July 3rd as we need a holiday too!

we hope you have an awesome Canada day weekend too !


Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023!

Another dizzying lap around the sun! Super snow had it looking bleak there for a moment.. but then the mega rains have now washed that gunk away! Great news it there is finally lots of stock of bikes and parts so its not such an insane battle for each thing! right now is still slow so its an excellent time to Get your bike prepped and ready for spring or plan out a fresh ride if your old one is too clapped!  We look forward to seeing you all again soon !

Fun in the Sun?

Hello People !

So great to see everyone again! Stoked that bike  events and group rides are Happening again! Good luck to those with events and races ! Come by if you need the mega tune up before the big race or adventure ! But please plan ahead and maybe try to get our bike dropped off a week or 2 ahead of time!

Still very soggy  in BC but if you wait 5 minutes that sun will come out for a brief moment to lure you out!

we should be getting quite a few Transition bikes this mid to late June so we are  very excited about that . as well as large order of Tuesday Cruiser (first cruiser bikes in over 3 years!)  the Bikes should be coming in that time frame as well .

hopefully the sun will too 🙂




May the 4th be with you

Sheeesh! rainy spring .. hopefully May will be sunnier and the biking plentiful !

New things! (finally!)

SMITH helmets & goggles in stock now!

Dakine! tailgate pads ,hip packs & gloves!

FUJI  Hybrid bikes & touring bikes !

SE racing BIkes (BIG Flyers & lagers (all colours! wont last long!)

SUNDAY BMX new run of the flagship models

Transition .. bikes still coming in every couple of weeks call for availability

Service! bring your bike in and get it tuned up! the mega madness is not started yet but in the next couple weeks the S will hit the proverbial fan So dont delay!


The V team





Marching into Spring!

Hello People

nice to see friendly faces again !

Time to blow the cobwebs off the bikes & get out there!

The service shop is all ready bustling but we are prepared for the onslaught! ( we hope)

Bikes are still hard to find but we have lots of hybrids & city bikes & we are trying to keep a few Transition & Forbidden mountain bikes in stock but the frenzy is still on for sure!

Kids bikes are still impossible we are looking everywhere for them but it is pretty drastic!

We are 10-6 everyday except Sunday when we go biking

see you on the trails or in the store when you need biking things & stuff

no masks required!




Super 2uesday!!!


We will be closed

Family Guy Day Monday 21 /2022


Super Tuesday 22/02/2022 for special bike ride!

sorry for any inconvenience ! we will be back at it on Wednesday





2021 is almost done!

Hello fellow bikers!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From Velocitycycles

Our hearts go out to those affected by the Massive floods & Devastation in the Fraser valley & Merritt. And even though Omnicron is trying to wreck our Holidays and keep us from our friends & family … at least we are still allowed to ride Bicycles!

our Sincere hope is 2022 will bring some Happier times & epic rides this next season!

Sadly for Christmas kids bikes are still extremely hard to find and we don’t have much left for under the tree. we do have an Excellent supply of skooters if thats what the rugrats need to get out of the house!  We have lots of City & Path bikes available still .. and we ordered as many bikes as we were allowed for next year. hopefully the ports operate a little faster and they can get us fresh whips for this spring !

Right now is the best time for bringing in your bike for that mega tune / overhaul  (fox has a 20% limited time deal on service right now if your suspension needs a refresh) you know its going to be nuts again in a few months so if you want to beat the rush now is definitely the time to give your bike some love!

We want to especially thank everyone this year as its been very tough with such limited supplies and we really appreciate your understanding and support through it all! We will keep on striving to keep everyone rolling as quickly and safely as possible for next year!

stay safe ! stay warm ! all the best in 2022!


November Rain

We wont let the cold & rain dappen our spirits!

every storm brings a rainbow

it is our slowest time of the year and we are organizing and planning so we are even more prepared for the rigors of 2022.  We finally have some shipments of hybrid / touring bikes and lots of Havoc scooters for the kids .  lots of supply chain issues still loom but things keep trickling in.  we will try to keep things in supply for christmas best we can. if youve bean putting off that major overhaul right now is the best time to get it done so you dont have to stress when the weather gets nice! have fun on the trails and watch out for the slippy leaves and have a great November!


Closed for Truth and Reconciliation Day Sep 30

We will be closed to ponder Truth & Reconcliation day.


Fall-time conditions!

The kids are back in school & the weather is starting to cool!

VelocityCycles would like to thank everyone for the busy year and hope everyone had an excellent summer despite the low stock of bikes & parts and long service times!

The fall always allows us some time to catch up & put in big orders for next year (hopefully full-filled a little more for 2022) the shop is much quieter and repairs more timely , yet the parts are still a bit low… We will try to keep stock on the lights & fenders and also replenish all the other things.

We also are finally getting some bikes in as well ..the first Transition bikes are starting to trickle in. Our Fuji Hybrid bikes are finally here as well as some cool gravel bikes from Breezer.  Sadly some of our main suppliers like Devinci haven’t got many bikes and have decided to reserve the majority of their bikes for their biggest dealers so we probably wont get any of those for at least a few years.:(

Tyler our super mechanic went on a bike trip around BC and will be back at the end of the month to tell the tales. With Fall riding the trails get moist and the loam gets perky so i’m sure he will have an epic time.

Sorry we have turned off our commerce website the amount of visa fraud was extraordinary we will look into making it more secure in the winter months & fire it back up again hopefully.

everyone stay safe ..have fun on the trails and come by if you need some bike love!

Closed Monday for labour day

Have a great weekend ! See you on Tuesday


Closed BC Day to do BC stuff

We will be closed

Monday august 2nd to do BC stuff because BC is the best


August Upon us!

Ladies & Gentlemen Boys & Girls welcome to deep summer 2021

What a summer ! Bike shortages shipping delays yet somehow there is more people biking then ever !

News from the front!

Service: still about 5-10 business days …please plan ahead , bikes that are in the cue are the priority. sorry we don’t make appointments we have had several occasions where people make appointments with other places yet still come to us or at least try to see if we will be faster.  instead of twiddling our thumbs waiting to see if the next appointment will show up we are working on the next bike in line (maybe yours ) plus if you drop off your bike we go through and make sure we get the parts we may need to repair your bike so when it is its turn on the stand we are prepared. Underpromise , overdeliver!

Sales: raw materials costs have went way up, shipping costs are up 1000% and  Jeff bezos bought all the boxes so its been a bumpy ride this year. a quick run through some of the popular categories

Kids bikes : due to the high shipping prices & tariffs the kids bike segment got abandoned by alot of the manufacturers.  we don’t forsee an influx of kids bikes until October November hopefully intime for Christmas.

City , Hybrid bikes : comfy like a Mtn bike yet fast and versatile for adventures and commuting this category is super hot still and whenever we get any they sell out very fast we have a few nice ones in from Fuji at the moment and another load of them coming in hopefully first week of august

Mountain bikes (hardtail) we have a few in from Fuji bikes at the moment  they are very nice and high quality there will hopefully be more in the fall.

Mountain bikes (full suspension) very scarce right now .. we have some big juicy orders in with Transition bikes and some Forbidden bikes & frames coming in the next 3 months are they will come in sporadically as Shimano & sram try to get caught up making the components. Orbea* & Devinci will be 2022 at the earlyest

Road bikes & gravel road bikes … still very scarce but we have some cool ones coming in late august /early september stay tuned (next year there will be Fuji & Orbea* )

BMX Dirtjumper : SE Bikes .. the 2021  are almost alls sold out for the year but we have one more pile coming in August / September   and then the 2022s will hopefully start coming for christmas time…normal Park bmx & racing bmx has been super low this year and we are scouring the planet looking for some but it might be a while before its like the good old days

Cruiser/ Comfort bikes : sadly this category got lumped in the shipping is more expensive then the bike is category so alot of programs got cancelled for 2021 … that being said there will be some for sure in 2022 but they may be more expensive … but what else isn’t?

E bikes : where to begin .. travs least favourite category… but they are the funest… people always want the cheapest ones and to talk about them for several hours .. if you dont want a 65 pound dead boat anchor maybe plan to save up and get a good one. if you want. a throttle , buy a Vespa . Check out ELBY e bikes they are awesome. if you want more of a sports / fitness /mountain bikey one check out Orbea* . Please also keep in mind ..you will need service on your  e bike remember when you bought your e bike online or at that store that sells them but wont touch it …where are they now ? you have to wait to get it fixxed just like everyone else with a normal bike … we know you “need to ride it everyday ” but patience is key.  & we also reserve the right to not fix your e bike if it is deemed unsafe or lack of parts.

Parts & Accessories

it is still very rough for lots of things that we would normally have , Tires , tubes, chains , cassettes , pedals , mirrors , helmets, kickstands, you name it there is a a shortage. Couple that with the fact with some suppliers cutting off dealers so they can get maximum price online, it makes it very challenging. If you dont mind waiting that is cool  If your absolutely dying for something give Jeff Bezos a call he probably has it already boxxed up.

Have a great rest of summer ! Be safe , take it easy on your equipment and if not come see us we will fix it!


*Orbea .. they have the coolest custom bike program if you really want a nice really bike & something unique check out their MYO custom bike making program it is awesome it has a bit of a lead time but if you get something in the works it will be ready for you next summer !


Sorry for any inconveniences but we will be closed for the Canada day weekend

July 1 Thursday, July 2  Friday, July 3 Saturday, July 4 Sunday

please make sure you get your bike before if you can

we will be back at it Monday July 5th tired but happy



JUNE Already!

Hello fellow bikers

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the summer time! The trails are all time and they even opened whistler! The roads are clear and it seams biking is the funnest thing to do !

Update on stuff

We apologize that we have no kickstands, seats, mirrors , chains  and various other things … there simply isnt any and we are really running low on everything else. We did just get some Dakine stuff in and we are hoping the rest of our helmets and stuff come soon ..but the way things are going we are still unsure.

There is a few bikes left and a dozen  bikes come every few weeks but please dont expect there to be a bunch…

Our service wait times are still 5-10 days usually and Travis the Grump will try to stop the line jumpers as best he can so that you get your bike done in a timely fashion .. hang in there! we got your back!… please try not to call everyday to see how we are making out on your bike … we are trying our best! we are trying to ruin the least amount of summers as possible hahaha!

Dont shred your bike too hard as we will still have a while to  go before you can safely tear off your  rear deraileur and get a new one installed pronto.  Just because there is a nice stump you want to stuff your wheel into because you seen it on tiktok and it looked cool please remember that guy is a pro and has some spare bikes.

Stay safe have fun and keep on rollin baby!



Spring Service Report

Well its time …

Bring in that old bike to get the cobwebs dusted off and tires pumped and chain lubed to head out on all these new bike lanes they are making

Our service center runs a bit different them most ..maybe its old fashioned ..maybe its about being fair to everyone

The deal is

Bring in your bike , tell us all the stuff that makes you sad and we will tune it up and get it back to you in 5-10 working days its that simple

sorry no appointments …chances are the things that may be wrong with your bike may not have the quick solution and also a lot of people dont come to their appointments

there is a very low stock on things like tires , tubes , brake pads , popular derailleurs and cassettes are like sold out  until November… we have a pretty good pile of basic stuff to keep you going.. but not everyone it is just a sad fact but we will try our best

sorry if we give you a stink eye if you come into look for the 1986 bull horn brake lever adapter for your vintage project .  we are busy and everyone is just as anxious to get their bike back as you. those kind of things are best searched out on ebay

we try to do flat tires for next day pick up ( to make sure it holds overnight)

with covid restrictions we try to limit the spread of the vid &  touching every-persons bike right away then the next guys is just not good to keep you and your loved ones safe ..please understand

we know you just bought that new “used ” bike and want it checked over so you can get out on it  in the next hour  or your seatpopper exploded and your bike makes a creaking sound but you want to ride the next day  ..but the reality is there is 90 people who trusted us to do their bikes in a timely fashion in front of you & ..of course if its a quick easy one  sometimes at the end of the day we can get it done for you. Believe me we want your bike out of the shop as fast as possible too to make room for the next 15 bikes coming in later that afternoon

Patience is key !

that way you get a better service and a quality job so you dont have to come back and waste more nice days.

Thanks for understanding! remember we are in this together! stay safe and take it easy on your bike it has feelings too you know!




Hello bike people

as you may or may not know …there is no bikes

every bike in north america except maybe a few weird ones got sold last year

and the new ones are not coming in fast enough and neither is the bike parts …

to save phone calls

Devinci – NO BIKES AT ALL the few that are coming in for fall are all gobbled up by the big stores in the states … we will try to pounce on some if any pop up if someone doesn’t pay there bill but i wouldn’t count on it until deep 2022 ..best is to try the REALLY big shops but id bet there isnt any

Transition —there is hope for transition but overwhelming demand has made them stop taking orders until further notice … luckily we have ordered a few sentinels that should come for fall… and who knows maybe they have something new up their sleeves..if you want one let us know what one and we will try our best to get one coming

Orbea — they are back at it ..they are taking orders and if you DONT order …they will not make spares …so if you want one please order one and be patient they are worth the wait ..also due to how expensive shipping is right now they wont be bring bikes under $1800 to canada

SE RACING –they kick ass and have being great at getting us bikes this year …THE fast ripper is SOLD OUT for the year ..some of the other popular ones  are as well but there is more coming every 4 weeks or so ..so good news there .. check out ourwebstore we try to keep it upto date …and sorry if you are from California i cant send them to you it violates dealer code

Tuesday cruiser bikes ..they got cancelled this year but we are hoping next year we can get back on board they are super cool!

Breezer city bike s we have a few but not tons

SURLY bikes super rugged fun… sadly sold out for several months they are saying May  2021 for arrival and they are coming straight to warehouse in Vancouver and they are trying to make it fair for all dealers to get a chance to stock a couple of each model so we will see ..if you want a certain one let us know and we will try our best to get it

Sunday BMX Hopefully This summer !they are The highest quality BMX going and hopefully we will get some  to sell you guys this summer!

Fuji bikes there is some ordered but they may be late summer

Haro bikes we  have some order for November so hopefully they come

E bikes .. i recommend going to CITE Cycles right near us they have the most of anyone .. we have some but definitely not a store filled with them

USED —sometimes we have used bikes for sale but definitely random and not often


We are aGT dealer and they are Travs fave but we definitely cant get any until 2022 so maybe 2022 who knows

FELT might be done for they definitely dont have any bikes coming anytime soon so we are no longer a dealer

Trek & Electra …why do people keep asking  for these Trek bought Electra and took away my  Electra dealership of 15 years… but to make matters more worse they also bought the 3 close by stores near me and also are sold at every store near me ( I HAVE NO TREKS AND NEVER WILL … I JUST FIX THEM 🙂 SAME WITH NORCO >>>NORCO IS NOT our brand at all …but we fix them all day baby!

Specialized is Nope

Kona is Nope

Giant is for sure NOPE they own there own stores … we just fix them

anyway sorry for the rant just trying to be honest we will of course be trying our hardest to get bikes as soon as we can but so is every other store ! hang  in there we are in this together!



Transition to 2021!

Fall already!

The cooler temperatures & beautiful foliage makes up for the shorter days a tiny bit.   The loam gets a bit more dank and the mosquitoes  & stinging needles calm down.  This time of year allows us to reflect on the summer past and remind us how much we are thankful for family , friends & fun on 2 wheels.

While the bike industry is very thankful record sales & massive influx of new riders this spring we are now going into the hangover where there is not much stuff left to sell we hope everyone can hang in there until we get new bikes & goods to keep you on the trails & roadways (not sidewalks please)

2021 shipments should start coming in due time but most likely a bit more slowly then normal as the world shakes off the pandemic (and hopefully not the humans)

VelocityCycles will hopefully be releasing an online shopping site so you can see what we have in realtime very soon.  Also right now is an excellent time to bring in a bike for service as our wait times are finally starting to subside.

Most bike manufactures will be updating their websites soon to showcase the new bikes. we have seen some sneak peeks and are very stoked for the next years crop of 2 wheelers

Thanks again for your patience & understanding this summer and we look forward to our future & continued friendships!





Velocity Closed from July 19 - august 4th

what a summer !

most intense one ever !

covid has ravaged the bike industry and we and our suppliers are out of almost everything bicycle related , helmets , tires , tubes , bells, mirrors , comfy seats , deraileurs , brake pads, its been tremendous

we are closed for a couple weeks to hopefully track down some things to sell and mostly maintain our sanity

we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience

be safe , ride safe, have fun! we will be back at it August 4th


April showers bring the May flowers!


We want to thank everyone for being so understanding during these trying times!

we think that BC has done an excellent job keeping covid cases low and you are a huge part of that!

supply chains are very slow and some have stopped altogether so it has been a big challenge

we are working hard to keep everyone rolling and scouting the warehouses for bikes for people but with the china slowdown and state of emergency compounding things it may be a few months before popular bike categories get replenished.

our service shop is extremely busy so please be patient while we get everyone rollling as quickly and as safely as we can .


Thanks again & stay safe everyone!




We are open!

We will be closed

Friday the 10th

Saturday the 11th

Sunday the 12th

Monday the 13th

for the Easter long weekend.

Stay Safe!!!


We are a full service and sales bicycle store in Walnut Grove, Langley.  Having just celebrated our 15!! year anniversary of helping people fulfill their cycling dreams, we’re excited sell and service all kinds of bicycles.  We try to have more exciting flavors than the other vanilla corporate shops out there.  These days the bike categories are so specific it can be a daunting task to pick out “the bike”.  Our helpful sales staff has years of experience and will listen to what you want not just sell you what they think is cool. Although they will probably still tell you what’s hot just in case! 

Already have a bike you love? Need it tuned up? New parts? Bought stuff online that doesn’t seem to fit? Our team of expert mechanics will keep it tip top.




With COVID-19 top of mind want to assure you that we are monitoring the situation very closely. Our bike service is currently experiencing a high demand for repairs as it the only thing we all can do to get some exercise. We will be concentrating on just bike repairs at the moment. We will be making a few changes to keep everyone safe.  There will be no scooter testing. No trying on clothing, gloves or helmets. Thanks for your support and co-opoeration.

CHRISTMAS HOURS 2019!!!!!!!!!




FRIDAY DEC 27 (10-6 )

SATURDAY DEC 28 (10-6)

SUNDAY DEC 29 – SUNDAY JAN 5 WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR A RENOVATIONS (sorry for any inconvenience)




SO its finally Summer and things are full on!

our top notch service is in high demand so it may take a few days to get your favourite ride tuned mint. Best thing is to bring it in and we will get it back to you expeditiously and ready for the next adventure.  we are open 10-6 Monday – Saturday

we are closed Sundays to maintain sanity and ride our bikes


Happy Trails!



christmas hours 2018!!

MON 24 10-4

TUES 25  closed

WEDS 26 closed

THURS27 10-6

FRI28 10-6

SAT 29 10-6

SUN 30 closed

MON 31 10-5

TUES 01  closed

WEDS 02 10-6






Welcome to 2018!

Make a new years resolution to ride more!

Road bikes are on sale !!





Devinci http://www.devinci.com/




Hi there everybody for 2017 our christmas hours will be





WEDS THE 27TH OPEN  AGAIN ! 10-6 !!!!



2018 FELT bikes

New Felt Mountain & Road bikes at Velocity Cycles ! get felt!


lucky you !

9th day of Christmas!



we have LOTS of LUCKY scooters in stock

and Havocs should be here on friday !


BMX for christmas

10Th day of christmas


we have a few nice priced park  BMXs left for sale and some micro mini BMX for the lil racers

we also have some SE racing OM flyers for dad!



11 days of Christmas!

Keeping your bike and drivetrain clean is a great way not to have any problems with shifting and other drivetrain related issues. Using this great product you’re sure to have a clean and well-maintained drivetrain that keeps your bike in good working order.




2017 balance bikes!

12 days of Christmas!

Early Rider balance bikes!  We can also get STRIDER


& Frog Balance bikes









Well it seems that Shimano is online in a big way and making  it way more affordable then ever for people to upgrade their bikes.  Often it is way cheaper then SHIMANO Canada will sell to us so it doesn’t make sense to keep everything in stock. we do keep the Essentials like bottom brackets , cables , chains, cassettes and a few derailleurs and shifters in stock to keep everyone going in a hurry. but if you do decide to get the big upgrade/ sidegrade or have compatibility questions  please call or come in with your box of crc stuff and we can professionally install it and make it work the way it was meant too! Whether it is ROAD , Mountain < internal , external cable , electric or wireless we  can help!

(ps big Props to SRAM for keeping it real and pulling out of race to the  bottom mega corporations run by robots websites)


Thanksgiving Monday!


We will be closed Monday October 10th for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Velocity Crew.



Hey guys!

Just to let everyone know, the shop will be closed SEPTEMBER 5TH 2016 for Labor day! We’ll be back at it on Tuesday the 6th.



Reminder that this upcoming Monday, August 1st, is BC Day! We will be closed here at the shop, and back at wrenching on the following Tuesday. We hope our customers are going to take the day to ride some trails and soak in the astonishing scenery our beautiful province offers us.


6/30/2016 - Video of the Day

In honor of all the Devinci Troy’s we’re building up right now with sick custom kits, here’s a sick vid on Devinci Troys.


Canada Day 2016

Just a reminder that this Friday we will be CLOSED for Canada Day!
Our team will be back in the shop Saturday.  We hope everyone has a rad long weekend!



In case you didn’t know.


06/23/2016 - Video of the Day

No caption needed.


06/16/2016 - Video of the Day

Remember fellas, you gotta tip Fat Rippers too.



06/04/2016 - Video of the Day

Today at the shop, local legend Nick Tingren stopped by to chat with our mechanics, so we decided to make the VOTD some Nick Tingren action. This video of the shore makes us wish it was dusty hot instead of raining. 🙁


06/04/2016 - Video of the Day

Brandon Semenuk and Reddbull released a sick new video, but since it’s on Redbull we can’t share it on OUR site. So instead, heres that cool ONE SHOT video he did a while back. You can find the NEW Brando Semenuk video HERE!




20 year old cat with a rasta hat on a bike



06/09/2016 - #TBT - Video of the Day

Heres a sick mega throwback for todays video of the day


06/07/2016 - Video of the Day



06/02/2016 - Video Of The Day

For today’s video we wanted to show this old school clip of Wade Simmons (The Godfather) huckin it big time instead of riding these roller-skateable, groomed enduro trails. Long Live Marzocchi, death to invaders!



It’s Cat Saturday… you know what that means.


5/27/2016 - Video of the Day - Stevie Smith Addition

For today’s video, we bring to you Stevie’s segment from Seasons, a classic mountain bike film. It really shows that if you believe in your dreams, it will come true. Stevie was known for being such a positive influence, and a talented downhill rider. On May 10th, he experienced a massive brain injury, which resulted in death. The mountain bike community has truly suffered a great loss, losing Stevie at the young age of 26 years old. The World Cups will not be the same without the Canadian Chainsaw Massacre. Ride in peace, Stevie.


5/26/2016 - Video of the Day

Today we chose this cool video from the Devinci Cycles factory in Chicoutimi, Quebec. Devinci is our biggest brand here, we love selling them and they are insanely well made. Plus, since they’re Canadian made, you don’t have to deal with the crazy exchange rate. If you’re in the market for a new bike of any kind, check out Devinci! 


May Long Weekend

Hey guys!

We’re booked solid until next week as Whistler is opening this weekend. We won’t have time for any more walk in jobs, sorry! As of right now, we’re booking for Tuesday/Wednesday. We hope everyone has an awesome weekend at Whistler, and that everyone rides safely!
Reminder that we are also CLOSED this Monday the 23rd, for Victoria Day, so our staff can get some riding in, as well!

Enjoy your long weekend! We’ll be back at it again on the Tuesday!



Transition Demo Day is HERE!

Hey Guys n Gals!
Our buddies at Transition are finally having a demo weekend here in BC! Locations and times are listed. If you’re in the market for a new bike, this is perfect for you. We love selling Transition. The boss rides a Patrol and a TR500 and he has loved them from the start. Insane bikes, beautifully made, and the performance is amazing.

(To clarify, as the photo is a bit hard to read, Saturday April 23rd will be at the base of Fromme Water Tower on the North Shore. Sunday the April 24th will be at the base of Half Nelson in Squamish)


Easter Weekend Hours

Final reminder that we will be CLOSED Sunday and Monday for Easter. We will be back Tuesday the 29th!

Happy Easter from the entire Velocity Cycles team!


Scott X Fox - Nude Rear Shock

Scott bikes and Fox Racing Suspension have upped the game with their new release 0f the NUDE Shock!
Scott writes – “Our new FOX Nude is the result of our successful partnership with FOX. The Nude project is a combination of both, SCOTT’s unique patents and technology as well as FOX’s suspension performance and experience. The goal was to create a rear shock that gains maximum performance in every riding situation while remaining lightweight. The FOX Nude works exclusively with our patented TwinLoc system and comes stock on both 27.5″ and 29″ versions.
This new shock is a completely new development with the most advanced air spring and damping system. It features positive air volume micro-adjust with replaceable volume reducers custom tuned for each model and size. Both travel modes have separate damper settings relative to their travel length and effective forces. When collecting data for the new shock project, we also calculated rider input data, including forces such as the rider’s gyro-scoping pedal stroke and its’ effects on the suspension. We simulated a rider’s pedaling and jerky motions made while pedaling or clearing obstacles, and measured their influence on the suspension. Many other designs assume that a rider is static and coasting, or they only include acceleration forces on the suspension and drivetrain. We are more concentrated on suspending the movement of the rider instead of negating pedaling forces. The FOX Nude features a low profile rebound control and mode control pulley for uninterrupted access to water bottles. The lightest FOX Nude shock weight(6.5×1.5″) is 260g.” On their website.
Let us know what you guys think of this cool new technology!


Family Day

Just a reminder that Monday, February the 8th is Family Day here in BC, so we will be CLOSED as we will be out riding or visiting with family! Maybe even riding with family.
We will be back on Tuesday the 9th.

Thank you!



We here at Velocity Cycles have some exciting news regarding the 2016 BMX season!
As BMX has sprouted enormously in the last few years, we are proud to announce that we are now a YESS BMX dealer!
Yess BMX has released three new bike frames in time for 2016. Type 0 frame is their lower end bmx frame, for people looking for the hottest deal. Type X frame is their mid range frame, and their Elite World Cup frame is their highest one available.As they offer these three new models as frame only, they can also offer a build kit for them for some extra moneys. What makes the frame only deal so great is that if you already have a wicked pile of parts on your BMX rig, then you can just swap them over for the ultimate baller machine! We are beyond stoked to carry them this season, along with Redline and SE Racing


NEW NS Dirt jumpers!

Just in time for the holly-daze some sweet dirtjumpers from our pals at NS Bikes

sign sign


sign sign sign